ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed)
Normál ár
106.800 Ft
Normál ár
Akciós ár
106.800 Ft
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ChamQ SYBR Color qPCR Master Mix (High ROX Premixed) is a special 2 × premix for qPCR assays based on SYBR Green I fluorescence method. The core component, Champagne Taq DNA Polymerase, is a novel antibody-modified hot-start DNA polymerase with high specificity and detection sensitivity. Equipped with the optimized buffer for qPCR and specificity-promoting factors, it is very suitable for highly specific and sensitive qPCR assays. This product is a 2 × premix reagent that contains SYBR Green I at an optimal concentration for qPCR. It can obtain a good standard curve in a wide quantitative range, and accurately quantify target genes with good repeatability and high reliability. In addition, this product can track the pipetting process by using the color change effect produced by the mixing of different dyes, thereby significantly reducing pipetting errors.
Shipping and Storage
Shipping and Storage
Store at -30 ~ -15℃ and protect from light. Transport at ≤0℃. After thawing, the Master mix can
be stored stably for 6 months at 2 ~ 8℃ and protected from light.
▲If white precipitate is found in the Master Mix after thawing, place it at room temperature for a short while
and invert the tube upside down several times to dissolve the precipitate. Please make sure the precipitates
have fully dissolved and mix thoroughly before use.