FastPure Plant DNA Isolation Mini Kit
FastPure Plant DNA Isolation Mini Kit
Normál ár
57.000 Ft
Normál ár
Akciós ár
57.000 Ft
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This kit is suitable for the rapid extraction of genomic DNA from plant tissues, especially those rich in polysaccharides and polyphenols. The kit is based on silica gel membrane purification technology without time-consuming alcohol precipitation and does not require phenol/chloroform, or any other toxic reagent during the extraction process, which can effectively remove impurities and other organic compounds from plant cell. The obtained DNA with high purity and stable quality can be directly used in PCR, qPCR and enzyme digestion, etc. The amount of DNA extracted from different plant tissues will vary.
Shipping and Storage
Shipping and Storage
Store at 15 ~ 25°C and transport at room temperature. If ambient temperatures often exceed 25°C, we suggest storing RNase A at 2 ~ 8°C.